We need your help at 2pm today

We need your help at 2pm today!

This afternoon at 2pm (first off the blocks), a team from the club will pitch to get $1m towards the museum component of the renovation.

We would like as many people there as possible in person or online at 2pm (the link to the online will be sent out to registered attendees).

At the end of the presentations there will be a voting period, and people who have registered in person or online will be able to vote – we also try to send around an SMS with a link to this voting platform the second we get it.

Please help us today to make sure we have as many votes as we can. Please join us at 2pm after registering on the below link

You can register for the online here – https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/heritage-pitchfest-2022-tickets-443897698967

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