Democracy is always the winner

Democracy is always the winner of a peaceful and civilised voting process, and we should never take that for granted. But yesterday the rain held off in the morning, and the feeling was festive and energetic around the club.

Admittedly, much of the world finds some of our Election Day processes harder to understand, and love showing these off – #democracysausage and #smugglersdecide certainly were out in force despite the weather conditions.

As usual, our club formed the backdrop for the worlds view of Australian elections – there may only be a few thousand votes cast in the world’s #firstsurfclub – but you would think otherwise from the media coverage!

Below are a few of the articles we have seen this year – if you find any other photos or videos etc. please pop them in the comments below so we can keep track of them.

Well done to our IRB team and Steve

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