Artist Submissions Now Open for 23rd Sculpture by the Sea in Bondi

The annual Sculpture by the Sea even in Bondi has opened for submissions for its 23rd year. Interested artists may already file for their intent to join the exhibit that will happen from 24 October to 10 November 2019 at the coastal walk in Bondi.

The application is open to Australian and foreign artists who could win various awards, cash prizes, scholarships, and subsidies.

Photo Credit: Dushan Hanuska/Flickr

Among the potential prizes include:  

  • The Helen Lempriere Scholarships for three Australian artists at $30,000 each
  • The Clitheroe Foundation Mentorships for two budding Australian artists at $15,000 each
  • A Dick Bett Memorial Invitation and $5,000 for a Tasmanian artist
  • The Aqualand Sculpture Award for $70,000 for any participant
  • An Australia Council for the Arts subsidy for $5,000 to $10,000 to four artists
  • $10,000 each for an Israeli and a Danish artist
  • The Wallace Foundation New Zealand Sculptor Award and NZ$8,000 for a New Zealand artist
  • $2,000 for each artist for the installation equipment

Four key people will form part of this year’s curation panel. They are Dr Malcom Bywaters of the School of Creative Arts in the University of Tasmania, Dr Michael Hill of the National Art School in Sydney, Wendy Teakel of the School of Design at the Australian National University, and Sculpture by the Sea Chinese Curatorial Advisor Anni Ma.  

Photo Credit: Robert Montgomery/Flickr

Sculpture by the Sea accepts all forms of mediums of sculptures from artists of any age. Originally mounted by David Handley in 1997 at the Bondi Beach, the movement has spanned annual events at the Cottesloe Beach in Western Australia and Aarhus in Denmark.

The three-week outdoor exhibit during spring stretches from Notts Avenue to Bondi Campbell Parade to the Coogee coastal walk and all the way to the Tamara Beach. There’s also an indoor exhibition at Mark’s Park coming from Gaerloch Avenue and Fletcher Street. Some 500,000 visitors check out the sculptures every year.

The application will close on 22 April 2019.

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